GATSBY LE MAGNIFIQUE Bande Sonore du Film Paromount

GATSBY LE MAGNIFIQUE Bande Sonore du Film Paramount de Jack Clayton avec Robert Redford et Mia Farrow - Musique supervisée et dirigée par Nelson Riddle.
PARAMOUNT 2C 066-95366. Titres : - What'll I do (vocal , Bill Atherton) - The sheik of Araby - Tom and Myrtle - Five foot two, eyes of blue (vocal , Nick Lucas) - Jordan's tango - Who ? - I'm gonna charleston to Charleston (vocal , Nick Lucas) - A long time ago - Yes, Sir, That's my baby - We've met before - Whispering - Charleston - It had to be you - Daisy ( What'll I Do) - When you and I were seventeen (vocal , Nick Lucas) - Myrtle's dead - Alice blue gown - Daisy's tango - My favorite beau - Kitten on the keys - Beale strret blues - The ring - Summer's almost over - What'll I Do / Ain't we got fun (Medley). POCHETTE ET DISQUE EN BON ÉTAT.